Monday 4th april 2016 
How animals survive in their natural habitat.
Have you ever wondered how animals survive in their natural habitat? I will provide you with adequate reasons as to how animals survive in their natural habitat.
Cheetahs are the fastest animal on the planet running at short distance.
Cheetahs are carnivores which means they only eat meat. If the cheetah was slow it will die why? because it won't be able to catch it's prey.The cheetah uses its speed to catch its prey.The cheetah can sense smell, hear and see everything. If you move or even make a noise you got to run for your life because there will be a cheetah on the way to come get its prey and its prey will be you. If you don't think so then try it, then you will know what l’m talking about. Have you seen a cheetah's body when it is running? It’s body opens wide with the two back legs spread back and front legs spread in front.The cheetah is tan with black spots all over it's body with long slim legs and it is silk.This is why the cheetah is adapted to it's natural habitat.

Do you know how birds adapt to their natural habitat? Well birds come in all sorts of sizes and shapes. Do you know how a peacock has a long tail that is hanging down that can flap up and it has eye patterns. They could be small, big and even tiny like a sparrow. Birds need to migrate because they need to give birth for their young ones coming out. If they went to one place and that is too cold to raise their young ones, they will fly to a warmer place and raise their young ones in that warm place that they found. Have you seen a bird with a long beak well that's the bird that flies nearly touching the water and diving in the water only it's beak and it will come up eating a small fish. That could be a kingfisher.

Have you seen a colony of ants, and wander how they survive in their natural habitat. Ants work hard in the summer collecting food for their family and taking it to their home and share, not to think about themselves like what some human beings do. By the time winter comes, they already got their food ready because in winter they can't go out and collect their food. It's too cold and they might die because it's too cold.The ants gives of smell and the other ants can smell where all the other ants go. They have adapted working together. If you rub your finger in the middle you will notice that you have confused them and they will go in opposite ways.
I have explained to you how cheetahs, birds and ants have adapted in their natural habitat. I trust that you now have an idea as to how these animals survive.
I appreciate your effort Summah. You separated your ideas and asked rhetorical questions. Next time, talk about a sea animal like a shark or dolphin. Nga Mihi Matua Komal.